CCES has always been socially conscious and looks for opportunities to get involved in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Earlier this year, CCES donated 10 used computers to set up a computer lab at the St. Vincent's Home is Maggona, Sri Lanka. The home is managed by Fr. Dilan Perera. The home has over 70 boys who will benefit the most from the computer lab.
The computer lab was opened on 8th October 2014, with the ribbon being cut by one of the youngest occupants of the home. Initially, the lab will be used to train boys of the home. Fr. Dilan also has a plan to use the lab to provide computer training for external students on a fee paying basis. By doing this, the lab can become self sufficient and perhaps, earn some income for the home. "I am deeply grateful to the staff at CCES for this kind gesture. These computers are high-end computers which are in very good condition and provides a great opportunity for the boys to learn MS applications. This lab is probably one of the best gifts they have received. Thank you very much CCES." said Fr. Dilan in an email to Associate Professor Stephen Muller who initiated the project.
Fr. Dilan also manages a housing project for the poor in Sri Lanka. CCES has raised funds and helped with building a home for a needy family in Sri Lanka. Click here for further information about the cause.